Dawson Anthology: Call for Submissions EXTENSION JULY 18, 2014

Editors Alyssa Friesen and Lulu Keating are gathering literary work inspired by Dawson City, Yukon to create a Dawson Anthology. The published book will contain works of short fiction, non-fiction and poetry.

In the style of the two Yukon anthologies of several years ago, the Dawson Anthology will reflect the lifestyle and outlook of current residents, in addition to those who have experienced living here, or have passed through this unique, invigorating part of Canada’s North. The publication will specifically represent the character of Dawson.

This is the first Dawson Anthology in many years (there are currently no Dawson Anthologies to be found in the Yukon library system, nor in bookstores in the territory) and we feel it is an important time to be encapsulating and sharing contemporary stories.

EXTENDED submission deadline: July 18, 2014

The piece should not exceed 6,000 words.

Previously published work will not be eligible.

Final decisions: September 5, 2014.

Modest honorarium per selected piece: minimum of $200

Submit to: friesen.alyssa@gmail.com

Submissions will be reviewed by an advisory panel. From their recommendations, the editors will make the final decisions. Copyright will be retained by the editors. Reprinting must be by permission of the editors.


Alyssa Friesen and Lulu Keating will work with the selected writers during the editing of the work. The editors will finalize the works for publication.

Funding for this project is made possible through the assistance of Arts Fund, Department of Tourism and Culture, Mike Nixon, Minister, in addition to support from the Writers’ Trust of Canada, Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in First Nation and the Literary Society of the Klondike.

About the editors:

Alyssa Friesen and Lulu Keating met to discuss undertaking this project in February 2013. We feel pride in the writing accomplishments of the Dawson City community.

In her position as managing editor of the Klondike Sun, and previously as co-editor of What’s Up Yukon, Alyssa Friesen has edited many local stories, fiction and non-fiction, and poetry. Her work has been published in the Klondike Sun, What’s Up Yukon, the Whitehorse Star and the Yukon News.

Lulu Keating is primarily a filmmaker who writes and directs fiction and documentaries. Since her arrival in Dawson in 2004, Lulu has participated in workshops and writing groups, often spearheaded by visiting Berton House writers. Her work has been published in the Globe and Mail, Up Here, What’s Up Yukon and Geist.

For more information, please contact Alyssa at friesen.alyssa@gmail.com.

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