Tag Archives: politics

A visual opinion poll to predict the Dawson City Federal vote: NDP wins.

By Chris Healey Today we conducted a very informal, casual count of front lawn election signs in an attempt to predict which party would garner the most votes in Dawson City.

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One way or another Larry Bagnell hopes to be back in Government

By Dan Davidson If you didn’t know that Larry Bagnell was fond of Dawson City, the name he and his wife, Melissa, gave to their son might give it away. His name is Dawson. “I’ve always been very committed to … Continue reading

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Winning isn’t everything for the Green Party’s De Jong

By Dan Davidson Interviewed in Dawson in September Green Party candidate Frank De Jong was candid about his chances of winning the Yukon’s Parliamentary seat. He doesn’t expect he will, but he expects to do better than people might think.

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Dawson’s Last Minute Candidates’ Forum

By Dan Davidson Two days before the election day is a bit late to be having a municipal election forum, but it was better late than never in Dawson City. Even then, two of the candidates, one of whom is … Continue reading

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