Cold Weather Brings Dawson the Nutcracker Lite

Story & Photos by Dan Davidson When the weather locked Dawson City in the deep freeze and it became clear that the cast of the Northern Lights School of Dance production of “The Nutcracker” would be unable to make its … Continue reading

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Dawson Urges Feds to Reconsider Parks Cuts

Story & Photo by Dan Davidson The City of Dawson has joined the chorus of voices proclaiming that federal cuts to Parks Canada’s operations in the Yukon were a mistake that needs to be corrected.

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35th Annual Museum Auction (and 50th Anniversary of the Museum)

by Palma Berger “Well I spent far more than I should have at the auction,” said a relative newcomer to Dawson. “But it was well worth it. It is the most fun I have had since I got here.” That … Continue reading

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Dawson's New Council Decides on Meeting Times and Some Roles

by Dan Davidson Dawson’s new council met for the first time in formal session on the evening of October 30, having decided that Hallowe’en (which would have been a regular meeting night) would be an inauspicious time to begin the … Continue reading

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Election Forum Draws a Large Crowd

Story & Photos By Dan Davidson A turnout of between 75 and 80 citizens and the presence of eight of the nine candidates seeking office in this month’s municipal elections indicates that local politics has lost some of the stigma … Continue reading

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Dawson Aids Maasai School Children; Food for Thought

Story by Maureen Abbott Photos by Maureen Abbott and Karen Dubois KIAC hosted the first Dawson Master Chef Cook-Off on Friday September 14. Five pairs of Dawson “chefs” competed for the coveted prize of two Golden Chef’s Hats. Their purpose was … Continue reading

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MVPA Pauses in Dawson for a Day

Story & Photos by Dan Davidson Seventy of the original 77 vehicles engaged in the Military Vehicle Preservation Association’s 2012 Alaska Highway Convoy began to arrive in Dawson City early on August 13, the ninth day of their trek since … Continue reading

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34th Annual Dawson City Music Festival Keeps the Chain Intact

Story & Photos by Dan Davidson It was surprising to learn that there are people who don’t know about the Sunday Night Rule at the Dawson City Music Festival.  Granted that the crowd on the dance floor was really enjoying … Continue reading

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Museum Hits 50 Year Milestone!

Story & Photos by Torey Ellis As the Dawson City Museum celebrates its 50th anniversary in its current home, one former director remembers the earlier OTAB days.

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Dawson's Canada Day Weekend

Story & Photo by Dan Davidson Canada Day celebrations in Dawson City spread themselves over the weekend, beginning with a feast of Sourdough Pancakes on Saturday morning put on by St. Paul’s Anglican Church at St. Mary’s Catholic Church.  For … Continue reading

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