Music, History, Good Food and Good Times at the Commissioner's Ball

Story & Photos  By Dan Davidson What could possibly be a better time and place than the Commissioner’s Ball to launch a book about the Yukon’s Commissioners? No place at all, obviously, and so that was one of the main … Continue reading

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Road Closures Prompt Grocery Airlift

Story & Photo By Dan Davidson The road washouts that shut down the Alaska Highway between Watson Lake and Teslin, and again around Kluane Lake, were experienced rather differently by Dawson’s two grocery outlets. For Paul Derry, at the Bonanza … Continue reading

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Congratulations RSS Grads of 2012!

by Lisa McKenna “To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” -Anatole France. The graduation ceremonies were late in starting, but seven beautiful children walked on to the stage, and … Continue reading

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Dawson Reacts to Cuts at Parks

Story & Photos by Dan Davidson From the outset, Dawson’s town council was not happy with the announcement of cuts being made to the Parks Canada operation in Dawson City. The May 9 council package contained a letter from Anne … Continue reading

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Breakup Comes Early this Year

Story & Photos by Dan Davidson Break-up on the Yukon River in front of Dawson occurred as 9:42 on a misty May 1 Tuesday morning. This is six days earlier than last year, but well within the range of normal … Continue reading

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Janke Takes His Third MITY Film Award

Story & Photos by Dan Davidson It wasn’t any great surprise when Daniel Janke’s documentary film “River” won the Made In the Yukon (MITY) Professional Award at the end of the 13th edition of the Dawson City International Short Film … Continue reading

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Just Another Day in Dawson

Story & Photos by Dan Davidson Dawsonites learned rather late in the week that their town had been chosen as one of the thirteen finalists in CBC’s “Live Right Now” capital of Canada search. Most would have learned of it … Continue reading

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Rangers Receive Service Awards

Story & Photos by Dan Davidson The Dawson Rangers completed a 12-Day Training Exercise during February and a Graduation Parade was held on February 29, with Sergeant Bill Cornish from First Canadian Ranger Patrol Group in Yellowknife as their trainer … Continue reading

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KVA Helps to Support the Government

Story & Photos by Dan Davidson A couple of special presentations were highlights at the annual general meeting of the Klondike Visitors Association on February 20.

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CIBC Finds a Local Cheque Cashing Solution

by Dan Davidson Banking issues in Dawson provided a major discussion at the most recent meeting of the Dawson City Chamber of Commerce on February 8. CIBC Branch Manager Christopher Tessier and MLA Sandy Silver were responding to a letter … Continue reading

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